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SMD series


RLM302 Series description:

The RLM302 series glass discharge tube produced by Ruilongyuan Electronics is an overvoltage protection device that suppresses abnormal high voltage pulses and protects low voltage circuits from transient high voltage damage. Volume: 6.0×3.1mm, voltage range: 140~500V, 8/ It can withstand a surge energy of 3kA under a 20μs waveform.

Type Number DCSpark-Over
Min. Insulation
(1kHz-6Vmax. )
SurgeLife Test
Vs Test Voltage IR Cj 8/20μs
V V pF A
RLM302-141N 140±30% 50 100 1 3000 Download
RLM302-181N 180±30% 50 100 1 3000 /
RLM302-201M 200±20% 100 100 1 3000 /
RLM302-301M 300±20% 100 100 1 3000 /
RLM302-401M 400±20% 250 100 1 3000 /
RLM302-501M 500±20% 250 100 1 3000 /
*Tips:Please refer to the specification and the physical sample of the application.
Sample Application

Sample application

Scan the code to follow the official Wechat account of Ruilongyuan, fill in the sample application form
For Wechat application, priority can be given to EMC lightning strike laboratory testing
. Ruilongyuan electronic (RUILON), the circuit protection expert around you

Sample application